layui.use(function () { var element = layui.element, layer = layui.layer, table = layui.table, form = layui.form, util = layui.util, $ = layui.jquery; //check_login function getCookie(cname) { var name = cname + "="; var ca = document.cookie.split(';'); for(var i=0; i 0){ var webdata = JSON.parse(decodeURIComponent(decodeURI(getCookie('data'))) ?? ''); var webname =webdata.webname; $('#username').text(webdata.username); $('#nickname').text(webdata.nickname); } else { location.href = "./login.html"; } //check_login var app_list = [{ app: 'main', table: '', title: 'Dashboard' }, { app: 'profile', table: '', title: 'Your profile' }, { app: 'node', table: 'node', title: 'Node list' }, { app: 'asn', table: 'asn', title: 'ASN list' }, { app: 'tunnel', table: 'tunnel', title: 'Tunnel list' }, { app: 'bgp', table: 'bgp', title: 'BGP list' }]; // topbar element.on('nav(app_topbar)', function (d) { let app_id = d.attr('menu'); layui.each(app_list, function(i, v) { if (app_id == { $("#app_" +; $("#app_title").text(v.title +' - '+ webname); } else { $("#app_" +; } }); if (app_id == 'profile') { $.ajax({ type: "GET", url: "ajax.php?a=users", dataType: "json", success: function(d) { $("#e_username").text(d.username); $("#e_nickname").val(d.nickname); $("#e_email").val(; if (d.github_id == null){ $("#github_a").html('Connect GitHub'); } else { $("#github_a").html('Disconnect GitHub'); } if (d.google_id == null){ $("#google_a").html('Connect Google'); } else { $("#google_a").html('Disconnect Google'); } if (d.dn42_id == null){ $("#dn42_a").html('Connect DN42 GIT'); } else { $("#dn42_a").html('Disconnect DN42 GIT'); } } }); } else if (app_id == 'signout') { layer.msg('Successfully exit login'); setCookie('token','','0'); setTimeout("location.href ='./login.html'", 2000); } }); // topbar // $("#app_topbar").find('a').click(function(){ // var top_bar_id = $(this).attr('id'); // console.log(top_bar_id); // }); var url_id = layui.url().hash.path[0] ?? 'main'; layui.each(app_list, function(i, v) { if (url_id == { $("#app_" +; $("#app_title").text(v.title+' - ' + webname); } else { $("#app_" +; } }); if (url_id == 'profile') { $.ajax({ type: "GET", url: "ajax.php?a=users", dataType: "json", success: function(d) { $("#e_username").text(d.username); $("#e_nickname").val(d.nickname); $("#e_email").val(; if (d.github_id == null){ $("#github_a").html('Connect GitHub'); } else { $("#github_a").html('Disconnect GitHub'); } if (d.google_id == null){ $("#google_a").html('Connect Google'); } else { $("#google_a").html('Disconnect Google'); } if (d.dn42_id == null){ $("#dn42_a").html('Connect DN42 GIT'); } else { $("#dn42_a").html('Disconnect DN42 GIT'); } } }); } // nav element.on('nav(app_nav)', function (d) { let app_id = d.attr('id'); layui.each(app_list, function(i, v) { if (app_id == { $("#app_" +; $("#app_title").text(v.title +' - '+ webname); if (v.table !=''){ table.reloadData(v.table+'_table', { url: 'ajax.php?a='+v.table }); } } else { $("#app_" +; } }); }); var hnow = new Date(); var hhour = hnow.getHours(); $("#mytime").text(hnow); if (hhour < 8 && hhour > 5) $("#hello").text('Good morning!'); else if (hhour >= 23 || hhour < 5) $("#hello").text('You should go to rest!'); else if (hhour < 12) $("#hello").text('Good morning!'); else if (hhour < 18) $("#hello").text('Good afternoon!'); else if (hhour < 21) $("#hello").text('Good evening!'); else if (hhour < 23) $("#hello").text('Goodnight!'); // nav // node table.render({ elem: '#node_table' // ,url: 'ajax.php?a=asn' , data: '' , limit: 20 ,text: { none: 'no data'} , even: true , cols: [[ { field: '', type: 'numbers', title: 'Number', width: 100, sort: true } , { field: 'node_name', title: 'Node name',width:110,templet: function (d) {return ''+d.node_name } } , { field: 'public_ipv4', title: 'Public ipv4',templet: function (d) {return d.public_ipv4+ " ["+d.node_name+"]" } } , { field: 'public_ipv6', title: 'Public ipv6',width:500,templet: function (d) { if (d.public_ipv6 ==''){ return 'Not support'; } else { return d.public_ipv6+ " [v6."+d.node_name+"]"; } } } , { field: '', title: 'Status',width:80,align: 'center', templet: function (d) { return get_node_status(d.uid),'
' } } ]], complete: function(d) { if (d.responseJSON.code == 1){ window.location = './login.html'; } } }); function get_node_status(uid){ $.ajax({ type: "GET", url: "ajax.php?a=node_status", data: { uid: uid }, dataType: "json", success: function (d) { if (d.code == "1") { $("#s_"+uid+"").html('online'); } else { $("#s_"+uid+"").html('offline'); } } }); } // node // asn //table table.render({ elem: '#asn_table' // ,url: 'ajax.php?a=asn' , data: '' , limit: 20 ,text: { none: 'no data'} , even: true , cols: [[ { field: '', type: 'numbers', title: 'Number', width: 100, sort: true } , { field: 'asn', title: 'ASN', width: 200, templet: function (d) { return 'AS' + d.asn + '' } } , { field: 'asn_name', title: 'AS name' } , { field: 'verify_status', title: 'Valid', width: 80, align: 'center', templet: function (d) { if (d.verify_status == 1) { return ''; } else { return ''; } } } , { field: 'add_at', title: 'Add date', width: 150, templet: function (d) { return util.toDateString(d.add_at*1000,'yyyy-MM-dd'); } } , { fixed: 'right', title: 'Action', width: 200, align: 'center', toolbar: '#asn_tools' } ]], complete: function(d) { if (d.responseJSON.code == 1){ window.location = './login.html'; } } }); // table // tools table.on('tool(asn_table)', function (obj) { //注:tool 是工具条事件名,test 是 table 原始容器的属性 lay-filter="对应的值" let data =; //获得当前行数据 let layEvent = obj.event; //获得 lay-event 对应的值(也可以是表头的 event 参数对应的值) let tr =; //获得当前行 tr 的 DOM 对象(如果有的话) if (layEvent === 'verify') { //查看 layer.prompt({ title: 'Enter verification code for AS' + data.asn + '', formType: 0, btn: ['Submit'] }, function (code, index) { layer.close(index); // alert('您的AS:' + data.asn + '的验证码' + code + ''); $.ajax({ type: "GET", url: "ajax.php?a=verify_asn", data: { asn: data.asn, verify_code: code }, dataType: "json", success: function (d) { if (d.code == 1) { layer.msg(d.msg, { icon: 1 }); table.reloadData('asn_table', { url: '/ajax.php?a=asn' // ,where: {} //设定异步数据接口的额外参数 }); } else { layer.msg(d.msg, { icon: 2 }); } } }); }); } else if (layEvent === 'del') { //删除 // console.log(; layer.confirm('Are you sure delete AS' + data.asn + '?', { icon: 0, title: 'Delete asn', btn: ['Confirm', 'cancel'] }, function (index) { layer.close(index); $.ajax({ type: "GET", url: "ajax.php?a=remove_asn", data: { uid: data.uid, }, dataType: "json", success: function (d) { if (d.code == 1) { layer.msg(d.msg, { icon: 1 }); table.reloadData('asn_table', { url: '/ajax.php?a=asn' // ,where: {} //设定异步数据接口的额外参数 }); } else { layer.msg(d.msg, { icon: 2 }); } } }); }); } }); // tools // add asn form.on('submit(asn_add)', function () {{ type: 1, skin: 'layui-layer-molv', title: 'Add asn', content: $('#asn_add'), // area: ['400px', '300px'], cancel: function(index, layero){ $('#asn_input').removeAttr('disabled'); $("#asn_input").val(''); $('#mail_list').empty(); $("#mail_div").hide(); $("#asn_get_sub").remove(); $("#asn_add_sub").remove(); $("#mail_sub").append( '' ); }, success: function (layero, index) { //监听添加表单 form.on('submit(asn_get_sub)', function (d) { let i_load = layer.load(0, { shade: false }); $("#asn_get_sub").attr('disabled', true); data = d.field; $.ajax({ type: "GET", url: "ajax.php?a=get_asn_info", data: { asn: data.asn, time: Math.random() }, dataType: "json", success: function (d) { if (d.code == 1) { // console.log(; layer.close(i_load); $("#asn_get_sub").removeAttr('disabled'); let asn_name =; $('#asn_input').attr('disabled', "true"); $("#asn_get_sub").remove(); $("#mail_div").attr("style", "display:block;"); let str; // str = ''; $.each(, function (i, n) { str += ""; }); $("#mail_list").append(str); $("#mail_sub").append(''); form.render('select'); form.on('submit(asn_add_sub)', function (d) { // console.log(d.field); let i_load = layer.load(0, { shade: false }); $("#asn_add_sub").attr('disabled', true); let data = d.field; $.ajax({ type: "GET", url: "ajax.php?a=add_asn", data: { asn: data.asn, asn_name: asn_name, asn_mail: encodeURIComponent(data.mail_addr) }, dataType: "json", success: function (d) { if (d.code == 1) { layer.msg(d.msg, { icon: 1 }); $('#asn_input').removeAttr('disabled'); $("#asn_input").val(''); $('#mail_list').empty(); $("#mail_div").attr("style","display:none;"); $("#asn_add_sub").remove(); $("#mail_sub").append( '' ); layer.close(i_load); layer.close(index); $("#asn_add_sub").removeAttr('disabled'); table.reloadData('asn_table', { url: '/ajax.php?a=asn' // ,where: {} //设定异步数据接口的额外参数 }); // setTimeout(window.location.reload(), 5000); } else { layer.msg(d.msg, { icon: 2 }); layer.close(i_load); layer.close(index); $("#asn_add_sub").text('Submit').removeAttr('disabled'); // setTimeout(window.location.reload(), 5000); } } }); return false; }); } else { layer.msg(d.msg, { icon: 2 }); layer.close(i_load); $("#asn_get_sub").removeAttr('disabled'); } } }); return false; }); //监听添加表单 } }); }); // add asn // asn //tunnel //table table.render({ elem: '#tunnel_table' // ,url: 'ajax.php?a=tunnel' , data: '' , limit: 20 ,text: { none: 'no data'} , even: true , cols: [[ { field: '', type: 'numbers', title: 'Number', width: 100, sort: true } , { field: 'tunnel_asn', title: 'ASN',width:130, templet: function (d) { return 'AS' + d.tunnel_asn + '' } } , { field: 'node_name', title: 'Node',width:110,templet: function (d) {return ''+d.node_name } } , { field:'tunnel_type',title:'Tunnel type',width:110,templet: function(d){ return tunnel_type(d.tunnel_type)}} , { field: 'tunnel_endpoint', title: 'Your endpoint',expandedMode: 'tips',templet:function(d){return ''+d.tunnel_endpoint+''}} , { field: 'tunnel_ipv4', title: 'Tunnel IPv4' } , { field: 'tunnel_ipv6', title: 'Tunnel IPv6' } , { field: 'tunnel_ll', title: 'IPv6 link-local' } , { field: 'add_at', title: 'Add date', width: 110, templet: function (d) { return util.toDateString(d.add_at*1000,'yyyy-MM-dd'); } } , { fixed: 'right', title: 'Action', width: 200, align: 'center', toolbar: '#tunnel_tools' } ]], complete: function(d) { if (d.responseJSON.code == 1){ window.location = './login.html'; } } }); // table //tool table.on('tool(tunnel_table)', function (obj) { //注:tool 是工具条事件名,test 是 table 原始容器的属性 lay-filter="对应的值" let data =; //获得当前行数据 let layEvent = obj.event; //获得 lay-event 对应的值(也可以是表头的 event 参数对应的值) let tr =; //获得当前行 tr 的 DOM 对象(如果有的话) if (layEvent === 'detail') { //查看{ type: 1, skin: 'layui-layer-molv', title: 'AS' + data.tunnel_asn + ' - tunnel configure for ' + data.node_name + '', area: '590px', // id: '', content: $('#tunnel_info') }); $.ajax({ type: "GET", url: "ajax.php?a=tunnel_detail", data: { uid: data.uid }, dataType: "html", success: function (d) { // console.log(d); $("#tunnel_show").html(d); } }); } else if (layEvent === 'del') { //删除 // console.log(; layer.confirm('are you sure delete AS' + data.tunnel_asn + ' tunnel in the node ' + data.node_name + ' ?', { icon: 0, title: 'Delete tunnel', btn: ['Confirm', 'cancel'] }, function (index) { layer.close(index); $.ajax({ type: "GET", url: "ajax.php?a=tunnel_del", data: { uid: data.uid, }, dataType: "json", success: function (d) { if (d.code == 1) { layer.msg(d.msg, { icon: 1 }); table.reloadData('tunnel_table', { url: 'ajax.php?a=tunnel' // ,where: {} //设定异步数据接口的额外参数 }); } else { layer.msg(d.msg, { icon: 2 }); } } }); }); } else if (layEvent === 'status') { //查看{ type: 1, skin: 'layui-layer-molv', title: 'AS' + data.tunnel_asn + ' - tunnel status for ' + data.node_name + '', area: '590px', // id: '', content: $('#tunnel_info') }); $.ajax({ type: "GET", url: "ajax.php?a=tunnel_status", data: { uid: data.uid }, dataType: "html", success: function (d) { // console.log(d); $("#tunnel_show").html(d); } }); } else if (layEvent === 'endpoint_update'){ layer.prompt({ title: 'Change tunnel endpoint [AS' + data.tunnel_asn + ' - '+data.node_name+']', formType: 0, btn: ['Submit'], value: data.tunnel_endpoint, placeholder: 'Enter new endpoint'}, function(text, index){ $.ajax({ type: "GET", url: "ajax.php?a=tunnel_update", data: { uid: data.uid, tunnel_endpoint: text }, dataType: "json", success: function (d) { if (d.code == 1) { layer.msg(d.msg, { icon: 1 }); layer.close(index); table.reloadData('tunnel_table', { url: 'ajax.php?a=tunnel' // ,where: {} //设定异步数据接口的额外参数 }); } else { layer.msg(d.msg, { icon: 2 }); } } }); }); } }); //tool //add form.on('submit(tunnel_add)', function () {{ type: 1, skin: 'layui-layer-molv', title: 'Add tunnel', // area: ['620px', '470px'], content: $('#tunnel_add'), success: function (layero, index) { $.ajax({ type: "GET", url: "ajax.php?a=tunnel_info", data: { time: Math.random() }, dataType: "json", success: function (d) { // console.log(d); // let asn_str; // asn_str += ""; // layui.each(d.asn_data, function (i, v) { // asn_str += ""; // }); // $('#asn_list').empty(); // $("#asn_list").append(asn_str); xmSelect.render({ el: '#asn_list', // size: 'large', radio: true, clickClose: true, name: 'tunnel_asn', layVerify: 'required', layReqText: 'Please select ASN', tips: 'Choose ASN', prop: { name: 'asn', value: 'uid', }, model: { label: { block: { template: function(item){ return 'AS'+ item.asn+ ' - '+ item.asn_name; }, }, } }, template({ item }){ return 'AS'+ item.asn + ' - '+ item.asn_name }, data: d.asn_data, }); // let server_str; // server_str += ''; // $('#server_list').empty(); // $("#server_list").append(server_str); xmSelect.render({ el: '#server_list', // size: 'large', language: 'en', filterable: true, radio: true, clickClose: true, name: 'tunnel_server', layVerify: 'required', layReqText: 'Please select a node', tips: 'Choose node', prop: { name: 'node_name', value: 'uid', }, model: { label: { block: { template: function(item){ let flag = item.node_name.split("-"); flag = ''; return flag+''+ item.node_location; }, }, } }, template({ item }){ if (item.public_ipv6 != ''){ ipv6 = 'IPv6:Yes' } else { ipv6 = 'IPv6:No' } let flag = item.node_name.split("-"); flag = ''; return flag+''+item.node_location+'IPv4:Yes'+ipv6 }, data: d.server_data, }) // form.render('select'); } }); //add_data form.on('submit(tunnel_add_sub)', function (data) { let d = data.field; let wg_end_point = d.tunnel_endpoint.split(':')[1] ?? ''; let arr = ['' + d.tunnel_ipv4 + '', '' + d.tunnel_ipv6 + '', '' + d.tunnel_ll + ''] // console.log(arr.some(s => s.length)); console.log(d.tunnel_ll); if (d.tunnel_asn == '0') { layer.msg('Please select ASN', { icon: 2 }); } else if (wg_end_point == '' && d.tunnel_type == "1" && d.tunnel_endpoint != "") { // layer.msg('Please check your wireguard endpoint: '+d.tunnel_endpoint+'', { icon: 2 }); layer.alert('Your input : '+d.tunnel_endpoint,{ icon: 3, shadeClose: true, title: 'Check your wireguard endpoint', btn: ['OK'] }); } else if (d.tunnel_pubkey == '' && d.tunnel_type == "1") { layer.msg('Please input your public key', { icon: 2 }); } else if (d.tunnel_pubkey != '' && d.tunnel_type == "2") { layer.msg('GRE don\'t input public key', { icon: 2 }); } else if (d.tunnel_endpoint == '' && d.tunnel_type == "2") { layer.msg('Please input endpoint', { icon: 2 }); } else if (d.tunnel_pubkey != '' && d.tunnel_type == "3") { layer.msg('IP6GRE don\'t input public key', { icon: 2 }); } else if (d.tunnel_endpoint == '' && d.tunnel_type == "3") { layer.msg('Please input endpoint', { icon: 2 }); } else if (d.tunnel_server == '0') { layer.msg('Please select a node', { icon: 2 }); } else if (d.tunnel_ll.substring(0,6) != "fe80::") { layer.msg('Please input the link local address for the 64 mask', { icon: 2 }); } else if (arr.some(s => s.length != false)) { let i_load = layer.load(0, { shade: false }); $("#tunnel_add_sub").attr('disabled', true); $.ajax({ type: "GET", url: "ajax.php?a=tunnel_add", data: { data: JSON.stringify(data.field), }, dataType: "json", success: function (d) { if (d.code == 1) { layer.close(index); layer.close(i_load); $("#tunnel_add_sub").removeAttr('disabled'); layer.msg(d.msg, { icon: 1 }); table.reloadData('tunnel_table', { url: 'ajax.php?a=tunnel' // ,where: {} //设定异步数据接口的额外参数 }); } else { layer.msg(d.msg, { icon: 2 }); layer.close(i_load); $("#tunnel_add_sub").removeAttr('disabled'); } } }); } else { layer.msg('At least one entry of tunnel IP', { icon: 2 }); } return false; }); //add_data } }); }); //add // select form.on('select(tunnel_type)', function(data){ // console.log(data.value); if (data.value == '2'){ $("#pub_key").hide(); $("#tunnel_pubkey").val(''); $("#end_porint").attr("placeholder","Public IPv4 no port"); } else if (data.value == '3'){ $("#pub_key").hide(); $("#tunnel_pubkey").val(''); $("#end_porint").attr("placeholder","Public IPv6 no port"); } else { $("#pub_key").show(); $("#end_porint").attr("placeholder","Domain/IP:port"); } }); // select //checkbox form.on('checkbox(ipv4)', function (data) { if (data.elem.checked == true) { $("#ipv4_input").attr("style", "display:block;"); } else if (data.elem.checked == false) { $("#ipv4_input").attr("style", "display:none;"); $("#tunnel_ipv4").val(''); } }); form.on('checkbox(ipv6)', function (data) { if (data.elem.checked == true) { $("#ipv6_input").attr("style", "display:block;"); } else if (data.elem.checked == false) { $("#ipv6_input").attr("style", "display:none;"); $("#tunnel_ipv6").val(''); } }); form.on('checkbox(ll)', function (data) { if (data.elem.checked == true) { $("#ipll_input").attr("style", "display:block;"); $("#tunnel_ll").val('fe80::abcd'); } else if (data.elem.checked == false) { $("#ipll_input").attr("style", "display:none;"); $("#tunnel_ll").val(''); } }); //checkbox // tunnel // bgp //table table.render({ elem: '#bgp_table' // ,url: 'ajax.php?a=tunnel' , data: '' , limit: 20 ,text: { none: 'no data'} , even: true , cols: [[ { field: '', type: 'numbers', title: 'Number', width: 100, sort: true } , { field: 'bgp_asn', title: 'ASN',width:150, templet: function (d) { return 'AS' + d.peer_asn + '' } } , { field: 'node_name', title: 'Node', width: 110,templet: function (d) {return ''+d.node_name } } , { field: 'peer_type', title: 'Peer type', width: 220, templet: function (d) { return peer_type(d.peer_type) } } , { field: '', title: 'Our IP',templet: function (d) { return peer_our_ip(d.peer_type,d.dn42_ipv4,d.dn42_ipv6,d.dn42_ll) } } , { field: 'peer_ip', title: 'Your IP' } , { field: 'add_at', title: 'Add date', width: 150, templet: function (d) { return util.toDateString(d.add_at*1000,'yyyy-MM-dd'); } } , { fixed: 'right', title: 'Action', width: 150, align: 'center', toolbar: '#bgp_tools' } ]], complete: function(d) { if (d.responseJSON.code == 1){ window.location = './login.html'; } } }); // table //tool table.on('tool(bgp_table)', function (obj) { //注:tool 是工具条事件名,test 是 table 原始容器的属性 lay-filter="对应的值" let data =; //获得当前行数据 let layEvent = obj.event; //获得 lay-event 对应的值(也可以是表头的 event 参数对应的值) let tr =; //获得当前行 tr 的 DOM 对象(如果有的话) if (layEvent === 'detail') { //查看{ type: 1, offset: '25%', skin: 'layui-layer-molv', title: 'AS' + data.peer_asn + ' - BGP configure for ' + data.node_name + '', // area: '520px', id: '', content: $('#bgp_detail') }); $.ajax({ type: "GET", url: "ajax.php?a=bgp_detail", data: { uid: data.uid, peer_type: data.peer_type }, dataType: "html", success: function (d) { // console.log(d); $("#bgp_conf").html(d); } }); } else if (layEvent === 'del') { //删除 // console.log(; layer.confirm('are you sure delete AS' + data.peer_asn + ' peer in the node ' + data.node_name + ' ?', { icon: 0, title: 'Delete bgp session', btn: ['Confirm', 'cancel'] }, function (index) { layer.close(index); $.ajax({ type: "GET", url: "ajax.php?a=bgp_del", data: { uid: data.uid, }, dataType: "json", success: function (d) { if (d.code == 1) { layer.msg(d.msg, { icon: 1 }); table.reloadData('bgp_table', { url: 'ajax.php?a=bgp' // ,where: {} //设定异步数据接口的额外参数 }); } else { layer.msg(d.msg, { icon: 2 }); } } }); }); } }); //tool //add form.on('submit(bgp_add)', function () {{ type: 1, // offset: '25%', skin: 'layui-layer-molv', title: 'Add BGP session', area: ['650px', '550px'], content: $('#bgp_add'), success: function (layero, index) { $.ajax({ type: "GET", url: "ajax.php?a=bgp_info", data: { time: Math.random() }, dataType: "json", success: function (d) { // let tunnel_str; // tunnel_str += ""; // layui.each(d, function (i, n) { // tunnel_str += ""; // }); // $('#tunnel_list').empty(); // $("#tunnel_list").append(tunnel_str); // form.render('select'); // console.log(d); xmSelect.render({ el: '#tunnel_list', // size: 'large', language: 'en', filterable: false, radio: true, clickClose: true, name: 'tunnel_uid', layVerify: 'required', layReqText: 'Choose tunnel', tips: 'Choose tunnel', on: function(data){ var change = data.change; $("#b_ipv4").val(change[0].tunnel_ipv4); }, prop: { name: 'tunnel_uid', value: 'uid', }, model: { label: { block: { template: function(item){ let flag = item.node_name.split("-"); flag = ''; return 'AS'+item.tunnel_asn+' - '+flag+''+item.node_name; }, }, } }, template({ item }){ let flag = item.node_name.split("-"); flag = ''; return 'AS'+item.tunnel_asn+' - '+flag+''+item.node_name; }, data: d, }) } }); //add_data form.on('submit(bgp_add_sub)', function (data) { let d = data.field; if (d.tunnel_uid == '0') { throw layer.msg('Please select tunnel', { icon: 2 }); } if (d.peer_type =='1' && d.ipv4 ==''){ layer.confirm('tunnel is not configure IPv4,have you enabled extended next hop of BGP?', {icon: 3,title:'Multiprotocol BGP session tip',btn: ['Confirm','Cancel']}, function(){ bgp_add(d.tunnel_uid,d.peer_type); }, function(){ }); } else if (d.peer_type =='2' && d.ipv4 ==''){ layer.confirm('tunnel is not configure IPv4,have you enabled extended next hop of BGP?', {icon: 3,title:'Multiprotocol BGP session tip',btn: ['Confirm','Cancel']}, function(){ bgp_add(d.tunnel_uid,d.peer_type); }, function(){ }); } else { bgp_add(d.tunnel_uid,d.peer_type); } function bgp_add(tunnel_uid,peer_type){ let i_load = layer.load(0, { shade: false }); $("#bgp_add_sub").attr('disabled', true); $.ajax({ type: "GET", url: "ajax.php?a=bgp_add", data: { tunnel_uid: tunnel_uid, peer_type: peer_type }, dataType: "json", success: function (d) { if (d.code == 1) { layer.close(index); layer.close(i_load); $("#bgp_add_sub").removeAttr('disabled'); layer.msg(d.msg, { icon: 1 }); table.reloadData('bgp_table', { url: 'ajax.php?a=bgp' // ,where: {} //设定异步数据接口的额外参数 }); } else { layer.msg(d.msg, { icon: 2 }); layer.close(i_load); $("#bgp_add_sub").removeAttr('disabled'); } } }); } // if (d.tunnel_uid == '0') { // layer.msg('Please select tunnel', { icon: 2 }); // } // else { // let i_load = layer.load(0, { shade: false }); // $("#bgp_add_sub").attr('disabled', true); // $.ajax({ // type: "GET", // url: "ajax.php?a=bgp_add", // data: { // tunnel_uid: d.tunnel_uid, // peer_type: d.peer_type // }, // dataType: "json", // success: function (d) { // if (d.code == 1) { // layer.close(index); // layer.close(i_load); // $("#bgp_add_sub").removeAttr('disabled'); // layer.msg(d.msg, { // icon: 1 // }); // table.reloadData('bgp_table', { // url: 'ajax.php?a=bgp' // // ,where: {} //设定异步数据接口的额外参数 // }); // } else { // layer.msg(d.msg, { // icon: 2 // }); // layer.close(i_load); // $("#bgp_add_sub").removeAttr('disabled'); // } // } // }); // } return false; }); //add_data } }); }); //add // bgp //profile //update_profile form.on('submit(user_update_sub)', function(data) { let d = data.field; let i_load = layer.load(0, {shade: false}); $("#user_update_sub").attr('disabled', true); $.ajax({ type: "GET", url: "ajax.php?a=user_update", data: { nickname: d.nickname, email: }, dataType: "json", success: function(d) { if (d.code == 1) { layer.close(i_load); $("#user_update_sub").removeAttr('disabled'); layer.msg(d.msg, { icon: 1 }); $.ajax({ type: "GET", url: "ajax.php?a=users", dataType: "json", success: function(d) { $("#user_nickname").text(d[0].nickname); $("#e_nickname").val(d[0].nickname); $("#e_email").val(d[0].email); } }); } else { layer.msg(d.msg, { icon: 2 }); layer.close(i_load); $("#user_update_sub").removeAttr('disabled'); } } }); return false; }); //update_pass form.on('submit(user_update_pass)', function(data) { let d = data.field; let i_load = layer.load(0, {shade: false}); $("#user_update_pass").attr('disabled', true); if (d.password == d.password2){ $.ajax({ type: "GET", url: "ajax.php?a=pass_update", data: { password: md5(d.password) }, dataType: "json", success: function(d) { if (d.code == 1) { layer.close(i_load); $("#user_update_pass").removeAttr('disabled'); layer.msg(d.msg, { icon: 1 }); } else { layer.msg(d.msg, { icon: 2 }); layer.close(i_load); $("#user_update_pass").removeAttr('disabled'); } } }); }else { layer.msg('password do not match', { icon: 2 }); layer.close(i_load); $("#user_update_pass").removeAttr('disabled'); } return false; }); //update_pass // verify form.verify({ pass: [ /^[\S]{6,18}$/ ,'must be 6 to 12 bits, don\'t input spacing' ] ,e_mail: function(value, item){ if(!new RegExp("^[a-z0-9]+([._\\-]*[a-z0-9])*@([a-z0-9]+[-a-z0-9]*[a-z0-9]+.){1,63}[a-z0-9]+").test(value)){ return 'E-mail format is incorrect'; } } }); //verify //profile }); function tunnel_type(d) { switch (d) { case '1': type = 'Wireguard'; break; case '2': type = 'GRE'; break; case '3': type = 'IP6GRE'; break; } return type; } function peer_type(d) { switch (d) { case '1': type = 'Multiprotocol(IPv6 Link-local)'; break; case '2': type = 'Multiprotocol(IPv6 ULA)'; break; case '3': type = 'Only IPv4'; break; case '4': type = 'Only IPv6(Link-local)'; break; case '5': type = 'Only IPv6(ULA)'; break; } return type; } function peer_our_ip(peer_type,dn42_ipv4,dn42_ipv6,dn42_ll) { switch (peer_type) { case '1': our_ip = dn42_ll; break; case '2': our_ip = dn42_ipv6; break; case '3': our_ip = dn42_ipv4; break; case '4': our_ip = dn42_ll; break; case '5': our_ip = dn42_ipv6; break; } return our_ip; }